Friday, August 10, 2007


IMAX earnings were out yesterday and they were less than stellar. Big surprise there! It appears as though my $5.00 August call options will expire worthless next week. I also added substantially to my holdings of NBF at $2.99. The company now comprises greater than >50% of my total portfolio assets. So much for diversification? I will also be in New York next week, so updates and posting will most likely be non-existent until after I return.


thinkblue said...

I'm guessing this transaction was more than 3 shares + commission?

CNL said...

Yes >2000. Long and strong. And to think I didn't mark all or none and yet every single block was 100 or greater.

scmfinance said...

CNL -- Did you see that Nova acquired the Clinton County refinery today? Market is reacting negatively to the news, but the stock was in overbought territory so perhaps the pullback is due mostly to that factor.

Curious to hear your thoughts on the acquisition...

CNL said...

I like the acquisition. Their technology is solid and they built this refinery themselves, so why not incorporate it under their umbrella. My concern is with costs to convert the facility to process high FFA feedstock’s as well as the cost and down time required to double the plants capacity.

NBF seems to have significant resistance in the realm of $3.00. Would like to see some volume in this stock which could push it through this level.

Bottom line is this stock is long-term gold mine. I believe accumulation under $4.00 is an exceedingly wise investing opportunity. One which rarely presents its self.